Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ashley's Collected Items

Endotherm (warm-blooded species that maintain homeostasis)
Dicot Plant with Flower & Leaf (4-5 petals)
Tendril of a Plant (specialized stem used for support and attachment)

Thorn of a Plant (sharp, pointed edge)

Epithelial Tissue (outer layer of the skin)

Insect (most diverse group of animals on earth)

Scale from animal with two-chambered heart (fish)

Pollinator (up-close bumble bee)

^^^ although I couldn't put anything near it, it's my picture.

Pollen (fine powder with hard covering to protect plant's reproductive cycles)

Autotroph (producers of the food chain)


KB Foglia said...


I love it, love it, love it!

Great job on the photos!
Whose scale is that?

I like that you figured out the whole photo upload feature.

Ashley! said...

I spend a lot of time on the computer, so I guess I can be considered a bit of a nerd in that area haha. As for the scale, I went to Jamaica for a week and found it off the coast of a small island. There were tons of them floating around the edge of the ocean.

KB Foglia said...

I just noticed your comment about not wanting to put anything near the pollinator. FUNNY!