Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Man Who Planted Trees

a. I thought the story was inspirational and had alot of meaning. It was enjoyable to read because it was not overbearing with biological references and it was not excessivley long.
b. The lesson of this story is that one person can have a powerful impact on a landscape. It shows that with determination and honest, hard work anyone can achieve great things.
c. Cutting down trees change the climate in negative ways. Without trees using up CO2 and providing shade, the climate increases, as do greenhouse gasses. Planting trees can restore barren land into fertile ground by starting a cycle of trees using nutrients in the soil then returning those nutrients back to the soul when they die. Trees also become habitats for many animals and bring many new animals into an area, starting a new ecosystem.
d. One organization I found was Trees for Life. This organization not only plants trees, but they go to third-world countries and teach the people valuable skills and give them the education they need to better their lives.

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