Thursday, July 24, 2008

AP Bio- Collected Pictures #1

Pollen: Pollen is found on the stamens of flowers.
Thorn of a plant: Rose bushes have thorns on their stems.
Fruit- Fleshy with seed: Blueberries.
Xylem: The xylem of a plant is found throughout the stem.
Insect: The Armadillium Vulgare is an insect commonly known as the "Roly-Poly."

Adaptation of a Plant: The plant grew crookedly to move into a sunnier area. It adapted to its environment to grow better.

Adaptation of an Animal: The dog sheds its hevaier "winter coat" to maintain homeostasis in hotter temperatures.
Exoskeleton: Ants have exoskeletons.
Autotroph: Grass is one example of an autotroph.
Cuticle Layer: The cuticle layer of a leaf is the top layer.

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