Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer Reading 1: The Man Who Planted Trees

Read the short book, The Man Who Planted Trees, from your reading packet. It really is a quick and enjoyable read.

Many readers have thought this was a true tale, but I'll tell you ahead of time: It's an ecological fable. But it is built on sound ecological/biological principles. Think about why this story was written.

Respond to the following on the blog by posting comments to this entry.
a. Tell me what you thought about the book.

b. What is the moral / lesson from the story?

c. Research what is going on here biologically. How can cutting down trees change the climate and soil fertility of a whole region? And why can planting trees restore barren land into fertile ground?

d. And now for the real challenge: Research a real life Elzeard Bouffier (the man who planted trees). Find someone or some organization that is actually changing the world by planting trees. There are some famous ones and some less known ones, but you can find them out there.

Tell me what you find by Tuesday July 15.


Elena said...

“The Man Who Planted Trees”

A). I really enjoyed this story. It was a very short story; however you were able to see a transformation between barren lands to a lush forest by the work of only one man. It showed how Elzeard Bouffier’s determination could help a forest thrive and restore life to an otherwise desolate area.

B). There were many lessons that could be learned from this story. I think the most important lesson learned is that if you work hard at something, you will have a successful outcome. Elzeard Bouffier proved this because he was one man who immersed himself fully in his “job” of planting trees, and his hard work and determination paid off by the immense success of thriving trees throughout the area.

C). Deforestation is what is occurring here biologically. Cutting down trees can affect the climate because trees use carbon dioxide, and since the trees aren’t using this CO2, than the climate could increase. Also trees provide shelter from the sun from the soil and act as a protective cover, so without trees the soil is more likely to lose moisture. Planting trees can restore barren land because it can help sustain the water cycle and also create habitats for new life as well as protect the soil in which the trees grow.

D). American Forest is an organization that is responsible for planting trees to create “healthy forest ecosystems for every community.” It is the nation’s oldest non-profit conservation organization. This organization helps to plant trees in areas damaged by wildfires where wildlife habitats have been damaged. They also want to plant trees to help clean our air and water.

-Elena Voronin

Erin said...

1. I found this short story to be interesting and enjoyable. Although the story is short, it has the same impact as a long, 300 page novel. I was upset that it was so short because I wanted to read more. The consistancy and hard work of Bouffier to restore life shows the reader that you can achieve what you put your mind to.

2. One lesson that can be learned, that I stated in my first answer, is that you can achieve what you put your mind to. Although Bouffier's work took several work and years, he never gave up.

3. Deforestation is when trees are being cut down and forests are being destroyed. By cutting down trees, we are impacting the lives of humans and animals everywhere. Plants produce the oxygen that we breathe and if the plants aren't producing it, humans can die out. Plants also consume carbon dioxide and without consumption of CO2, there will be more in the air which will cause humans to have more problems breathing. Animals also use plants for food and shelter. Animals such as chipmunks and birds use trees to hide from predators. If the predators are able to get food easier, the food chain will become unbalanced.

4. An organization trying to make an impact on the world is Dell Computers. When you make a purchase, you can choose to have them plant a tree for you. You can even have them plant a tree for you without making a purchase. They put 100% of the funds towards planting trees and helping to save the enviornment.

Umar said...

The Man Who Planted Trees
A. I thought that this story was great and very inspirational. Even though it was a quick read, I enjoyed it immensely. Elzeard Bouffier could truly be called a god because there are quite a few people in the world that can accomplish what he did.

B.One major lesson learned from this story is you can achieve any goal if you put your mind to it and work hard. Elzeard Bouffier wanted to grow as many trees as he could as long as he was alive and he did just that by growing thousands of trees. His determination made land that was barren and abandoned into beautiful forests and lively villages. Elzeard impacted the environment in a great way.

C. Cutting down trees can change the climate and soil fertility of a whole region in a great way. The affect on climate would be a dramatic increase in temperature extremes. Trees provide shade which keeps the surface at a moderate temperature. Without the shade, temperatures would be much colder at night and much warmer during the day. Due to the exposure to the sun, the soil gets baked and the moisture quickly evaporates into the atmosphere. This causes the soil to dry up and crack, and the lack of moisture can also cause the soil to become into desert sand. Deforestation decreases the soil fertility and causes soil erosion. Planting trees can help restore barren land into fertile ground by helping with the recycling of water in the atmosphere which increases the moisture of the soil. The trees also help with the carbon dioxide exchange process and helps decrease greenhouse gases that are released.

D. Someone who is changing the world by planting trees is a man named Srinibas Jena who is from eastern India. Srinibas is a blind man who once heard on the radio about the importance of forests and a healthy environment. He wanted to help out the environment so he started planting trees. He turned a five-kilometer stretch of barren land into tree plantation and greenery. He planted cashew, mango, guava, and many other fruit trees. His work will inspire many people to follow in his footsteps.

Siobhan said...

A) I actually enjoyed reading the short story "The Man Who Planted Trees". I thought I was going to find it boring but I rather liked it and found it to be a quick read. This story was interesting and Incorporated a scientific view, that made you think and appreciate what Elzeard Bouffier did.

B) The moral I found from this story was that one person can make a difference, and impact the world in a positive way. Humans have the ability to create and better nature rather than destroy it.

C) Significant soil loss occurs when trees and plants are cut down and not replaced. Rains and wind will remove the topsoil making the land less fertile and clogging rivers or streams and after a good amount of time an entire region can be changed/ destroyed.
Replanting trees can reverse damage done to a region. Trees store water in their roots, give shade and nutrition so that other living things can survive and flourish in a region. Trees can help climate control as well but locking carbon in its growing tissues. All of these things are why trees help restore barren lands.

D) One organization that does the work of Elzeard Bouffier and helps to make the world a better place is the Fairfax Releaf Organization. This organization plants and preserves trees as well as restores habitats on public and commons lands in Northern Virginia.


monica said...

The Man Who Planted Trees
a. After reading this book I realized how much it proves one person can do. Even though it wasn't true, I thought it was a good story that had a moral lesson. I also like how Elzeard Bouffier planted the tree without expecting anything in return or even taking any credit. It truly shows how much good exists in most people and how it can be used to do so much.

b. A lesson that can be learned from the story is that even little things can make a huge difference. Even though Elzeard Bouffier was one person he did so much. A little acorn transformed into trees that made a huge impact on the land and the mentality of the people living there.

c. Deforestation can make a huge impact on an area of land in many ways. The roots of the trees help anchor the soil preventing erosion of the soil. The good soil could get washed away in the rain if its not anchored by roots. Without trees, the temperature would rise and it could cause climate changes and even droughts. Without shade, and with increase in the amount of carbon dioxide, the temperature change and loss of moisture in the soil could contribute to desertification. By planting trees, oxygen production by the leaves will help regulate the temperature and help retain some moisture. This will help with soil fertility allowing more plants to grow and keep the area stable.

d. I found an organization called Plant it 2020, they partner up with other ogranizations and more volunteers to help plant trees in communities and forests. So far since 1992 they have helped plant trees in many states across the United States and in other countries such as Etheopia, Ghana, Congo, India, Mexico, Spain and many more. Their volunteers not only help with planting and protecting trees, but by lecturing communities about the importance of reforestation.

Ashley! said...

A. I thought that the story was extremely moving; it had a good plot and a valuable theme. It’s unbelievable, even though it is a fable, that one man can make such a difference in the world. No one would ever expect so much from a human being, yet it was possible in this story. Elzeard Bouffier could be described as an earthly angel for his amazing accomplishments and relentless perseverance. It would be miraculous if our present-day population could do what that man did.

B. The moral of the story is that determination and altruistic motivation yields great success and can literally improve one’s surroundings. If one man can recreate an entire forest on his own time, then imagine what an entire town could do if they took the time of day to plant a few trees. Elzeard was able to create eternal happiness from restoring the nature around him, and as an added bonus, he gave others a peaceful and beautiful residence as well.

C. Cutting down trees can change the climate and soil fertility of a whole region. Without trees, there is an increased exposure of the soil to the sun, which ultimately leads to evaporated moisture and dry, cracked ground. Moisture is an important element to forest lands, and without that, a desert climate can gradually develop in its place. The overall temperature of an area can increase as well because of the lack of shade that was previously provided by the trees. By eliminating forests, there is a serious interruption in the carbon dioxide exchange process. The more carbon dioxide that gets released into the atmosphere, the more heat is trapped, and the higher the temperatures rise. Desertification is also a result of such actions. The increased dryness of past forest grounds essentially damages the once stable environment and climate. Reforestation can restore barren land into fertile ground by stabilizing the environment, and absorbing the excess carbon dioxide. Full-grown trees partake in a daily cycle that helps restore moisture, nutrients, minerals, and habitable climates for the land.

D. The Indonesian REDD Programme declared in 2007 that 79 million trees would be simultaneously planted to reforest the land that was made barren by deforestation. Different activities were said to have occurred at the event such as workshops, field visits, and discussions with speakers from Ryukyus University, Darwin Initiative and the Indonesian Forestry Ministry. In an attempt to lessen the effects of global warming, the 79 million trees were scheduled to be planted on deforested land and house yards covering a total area of around 900,000 ha.

Kailey said...

A. The story was a quick and enjoyable read, as you said, and it did seem to be a true story. It was very uplifting to see that one man could change the outcome of an entire environment. It was also inspirational to see that the man was motivated enough to devote a majority of his life to planting trees and caring for the environment.
B. This story just goes to show you the amount of change a single person can create. Elzeard Bouffier was just a man with no help from technology or other people, but yet, he turned a deserted, barren land into a rich, prosperous forest. It also shows how with one form of change brings another. After some trees were planted, water came backinto the river, the soil became rich and fertile, the wind blew softer, and people even began to come into the forest. Some people even came to live there.
C. When trees are cut down, the soil, which should be moist and fertile, dries up because there is nothing protecting it from the sunlight. removing trees removes a portion of the canopy which block direct sunlight and holds in heat at night. This diruption leads to more extreme temperature swings. Planting more trees gives the soil more protection and also helps the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the atmosphere.
D. American Forests workes to protect restore and enhance trees and forests all over the world. AmericanForests provides action oppertunities for their targeted audience to help them improve their environment with trees. They do this by developing and marketing practical solutions that individuals and groups can easily apply. Their targeted audiences are individuals, community groups, government at all levels, educators, and businesses.

dan said...

a. I thought that The Man Who Planted Trees was a very inspiring story. It proved how any single person has the power to be able to change the world. This book was a very enjoyable read and provided a very important message to the reader.

b. The moral of this story is that it is important to take care of the earth and that anybody has the power to help. This story shows that the actions of one person can have effects on the people around them.

c. Deforestation can play a devastating effect on the environment and the human population. Trees play an important role of eliminating greenhouse gases from the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide. If trees do not take these gases out of the air, they tend to increase a regions temperature by not allowing infrared rays to leave the earth. Trees also tend to rejuvenate soil by providing moisture for the ground which enables the growth of even more plants.

d. The World Bank is an example of a group who is trying to limit to the amount of carbon dioxide on earth. This organization tries to rejuvenate underdeveloped societies forestry. This group has provided great benefits to underprivileged societies.

Kristen said...

"The Man Who Planted Trees"

a.) I found this short read to be quite entertaining and intriguing. “The Man Who Planted Trees” was not only inspiring but exposed us to a new outlook on nature. Everyone has their own talents and it is up to you how you’d like to exhibit them. Elzeard Bouffier was more than just a main character; he was the symbol of inspiration. He displayed his talents by being one with nature and catering to the trees as well as growing with them.

b.) Never underestimate the power of an individual. This story has made me realize all that one can do on their own. Elzeard Bouffier was a kindhearted individual who took pride in his talent and established a living with what he had known best. Bouffier wasn’t looking for fame or fortune, just himself knowing that he had accomplished his goal was meritorious enough. Just think, one individual and one acorn completely changed the mentality as well as the attitudes of many people.

c.) When an area of rain forest is either cut down or destroyed, there are various climate changes that happen as a result. Trees provide shade and the shaded area has a moderated temperature. Without the shade from the trees there would be a dramatic increase in temperature extremes. Due to the exposure to the sun, soil gets baked and becomes dry and cracked. With the lack of a canopy from the trees, there is nothing trapping the moisture from quickly evaporating into the atmosphere. The soil being exposed to the sunlight eventually becomes dry and turns into desert sand. The soil then becomes completely useless. Reforestation can rehabilitate dry, barren land into fertile and prosperous land. With the absorption of carbon dioxide, trees can restore land and bring moisture and minerals back into the soil.

d.) The Tree-Mendous Maryland Program works with volunteer groups planting and caring for trees on public land throughout the state. It was designed to provide citizens with an inexpensive way to obtain trees and shrubs for planting on public lands and within community open spaces. This organization began in the spring of 2008 and has been thriving ever since and striving to keep trees safe and provide them with a healthy environment.


Joe said...

"The Man Who Planted Trees"

a.) "The Man Who Planted Trees" was a quick and easy read. I found “The Man Who Planted Trees” to be inspiring and made me have a different outlook on nature. Elzeard Bouffier was a character that was very inspiring. He showed his hidden talent by caring for nature and becoming one with the trees while growing them.

b.) Perseverance is the key to success. "The Man Who Planted Trees" helped me realize that if you’re focused enough on something you can succeed. Elzeard Bouffier was a caring individual who has showcased his talents through his self-less actions. Bouffier didn’t do his work for fame or fortune but just the satisfaction of knowing he accomplished his goal. With the perseverance of one it could change the outlook of many and cause inspiration.

c.) Deforestation is what is occurring here biologically. Cutting down trees can affect many aspects of nature such as the climate. It affects climate because it’s getting rid of the trees which use carbon dioxide and cause a chain reaction because the trees won’t be using the CO2, which causes the climate to increase. Trees can also provide shade from the sun to the soil which makes them moist and without trees soil will dry up. Planting trees can restore barren land because it can create shelters and homes for new life.

d.) ForestEthics protects endangered forests by transforming the paper and wood industries in North America and by supporting forest communities in the development of conservation-based economies.


Gerard said...

A. I think that this is a great story that can teach people of all ages an important lesson. I was very surprised by how much I liked this story. I was expecting it to be like the boring passages that they give us on the English regents or something, but this was not the case. The book made me realize how just one person can make a difference and that if everybody had the attitude Elzeard Bouffier had, then we might not have some of the problems that we face with the environment today.

B. I believe that the lesson in this book is that one person can make a tremendous difference on the environment when they work at, but this does not mean that only one person should do all the work. Everybody should do something because this can change things for the better. In this story just one man managed to restore an entire village and the environment around it just by planting trees. If one man can do that, think of what groups of people can accomplish.

C. Cutting down tress can greatly change an entire environment from its climate to the fertility of its soil. When you cut down a tree you are exposing the ground that was once covered by the leaves of the tree to the sun. With the sun constantly beating down on the soil all of the moisture begins to evaporate and the soil becomes dry and infertile which prevents plants from growing. As a result of the lack of plants, carbon dioxide that would normally be absorbed by the trees stays in the atmosphere which in turn raises the temperature of the area causing it to turn into a barren desert. By planting trees you can restore the land back the the way it was because the trees will start to absorb the carbon dioxide and they will make the land cooler. This will help the trees to grow larger and they will start to cover up the ground. With the cooler climate and shade from the trees moisture will start to return to the ground allowing more plants to flourish.

D. I found an organization that was started in 1987 called Tree Musketeers. This is a non-profit charity that teaches kids about being aware of the environment and how to make it better. The program is currently working on a campaign to get 3 million kids worldwide to plant 3 million trees due to the success of their campaign "One in a Million," which encouraged 1 million kids to plant 1 million trees. I think this is a great organization because it informs kids about what they can do to make the environment better and shows them how they can do it by planting trees.

Lauren said...

"The Man Who Planted Trees"

A. I thought the reading was very enjoyable to my surprise. I found it very inspirational and hopeful to know that one person can really make a difference. I found it fitting that that author compared Elzeard Bouffier to doing Gods work by creating life instead of death and desctruction. I feel the book showed that humans have the ability to influence an entire environment by simply planting trees.

B. The lesson of the story, states that one person is enough to make a change in the world. Elzeard Bouffier was one man and he changed the entire climate and feeling of a barren wasteland into a lush and breathtaking area. The moral of the story is to plant a tree.

C. Cutting down trees can make a huge impact of an entire region. One effect would be temperature. Trees play an important role in the temperature, temperature will increase without the presents of trees since there is nothing to provide shelter for the grass below, eventually the grass will die leaving a barren area. Over time the soil will eventually lose all its moisture and lead to what we know today as a desert. Simply by planting trees, over time the area will work its way back to its natural state by providing shade for the undergrowth below. Trees help by taking carbon dioxide and transforming it into oxygen which is what sustains life here on earth.

D. I found an organization that is dedicated to helping protect the environment and also preserving traditional livelihoods and cultures for generations. Since 1989, Trees for the Future has been helping communities around the world plant trees. Through seed distribution, and training, they have helped empower rural groups to restore tree cover to their lands.

Gabby said...

a.) The book was an extremely touching story. I enjoyed reading about how one man could turn an area most people would shy away from into a healthy, diverse land. Elzeard Bouffier is a prime example of the good that still inhabits this world, and that technology is always necessary. It also proves that humanity isn’t all bad, and that there are still few exceptionally benevolent people in the world.
b.) The lesson from the story is that determination, patience and general kindness can create something amazing, something most people who find impossible. Another lesson is that money really can’t buy you happiness and that simplicity often provides a calm, wonderful life.
c.) Cutting down trees causes areas to become stripped of water and nutrients because the removal of trees interrupts the natural death and decay of plants which restores minerals and such in the soil. Also the removal of trees causes an increase of water evaporating because as rain, for example, falls nothing is absorbing the water. The climate therefore changes because there is a lack of water in the ground, making a dry climate. Planting trees allows for water to be held in the ground because of roots and such. Also as trees naturally die, the soil is refurbished with nutrients which allows for other trees and plants to grow.
d.) A real life Elzeard Bouffier is a man named Wangari Maathai, who founded the Greenbelt Movement. The Greenbelt Movement was created to restore Kenya’s environment. The creation of the organization gave Maathai a Nobel Peace Prize. They planted 30 million trees.