Thursday, July 31, 2008

10 Collected Items

Thorn of a Plant: a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf

Tendril of a Plant: a slender elongated thread-like organ which may cling to objects for support.

Stem - Woody:
stems of tree, shrubs and many crop plants that have rigid tissue know as xylem.

Stem - Herbaceous: plant stems that are soft and green and that usually do not grow taller than two meters.

Fruit - Fleshy with Seeds: A strawberry is a fruit containing seeds.

Flower Ovary

Epithelial Tissue: forming the outer layer of body surface.

Autotroph: an organism that makes organic material from inorganic material; a primary producer; examples include plants, phytoplankton, and some bacteria

Any member of a large phylum of invertebrate animals with jointed legs and a segmented body, such as spiders ...

Animal that has a segmented body: Ants have an elongated and segmented body.

10 Things Collected

Fleshy fruit with seed- this growing tomato has a fleshy outside with seeds inside
Gymnosperm cone- from a Plant that produce seeds that are not enclosed within plant tissue
Woody stem- tree trunk is an example outer layer of stem or trunk covered in har protected bark
Tendril of a plant-coiling stem from a plant that twines around objects for support
Pollinator- this bee helps transfer pollen between plants
Arthropod- the phylem including insects with segmented body
Cnidarian- group of aquatic species that all have stinging cells, including jellyfish and sea anemones.
Conifer leaf- from a tree that bears cones with needle like leaves
Cuticle layer- outermost covering that is waxy and waterproof
Deciduous leaf- from a tree that looses its leaves at the end of a season

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

10 collected items

A bee is an example of a pollinator
The Butterfly is an example of an animal with radial symmetry.
Also, the stems of this plant can be classified as herbaceous stems.
This plant is an angiosperm or plant that flowers.
An example of an insect.
This is a female pine cone
An endotherm or warm blooded animal
The tree is an autotroph. It produces its own food through photosynthesis. 
Also, the tree is an example of a plant with a woody stem.
A picture of a frond which is a leaf with many different sections

AP Bio- 10 items collected

Insect: a major group of arthropods and the most diverse group of animals on the Earth. The fly is an insect.

Herbaceous stem: stem that has little or no woody tissue.

Woody stem: stems of plants that have been growing for two or more years.

Epithelial tissue: Outermost layer of the skin.

The cuticle layer of a plant:The top layer of the leaf.

Exoskeleton:an external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body. This beetle has an exoskeleton.

Autotroph: Plants are organisms that produce their own food.

Pollen: a fine to coarse powder consisting of pollen grains, which produce the sperm cells of seed plants.

Fleshy fruit with seed: An apple

Thorn of a plant: Rose bushes have thorns.

10 Collected Items

Mycelium- the white threads from which a mushroom or fungus is developed
Tendril- special stem used by climing plants for support and attachment

Lichen- a fungus that grows with algae on trees, rocks and other things

Endosperm- produced in seeds and provides nutrition in the form of starch.
This is an avacado seed, the white part is the endosperm.

Bryophyte-land plants that produce via spores, such as moss

Animal that has a segmented body

Exoskeleton- an external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body

Gastropod- commonly known as a snail

Endotherm- a warm-blooded animal

Echinoderm- a marine animal that exhibits fivefold radial
symmetry in portions of their body, such as a starfish
A couldnt find an actually picture of dragonfly, which has a segemented body A cicada which has a hard exoskeleton Pollen is found in the center of this plant. A Fruit that is fleshy with a seed-a plum. Adaptation of a plant-the plant has roots that spread out underground to gather all the nutrients. Epitelial tissue Autotroph-organism that make their own food A cuticle layer of a plant A woody stem on a plant A warm blooded animal which is able to regulate its own body temperature.