Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer Reading 2: Mountains Beyond Mountains

Be sure to read the feedback on Summer Reading 1 BEFORE you work on this summer reading assignment.

Read the excerpt from the book, Mountains Beyond Mountains, from your reading packet. Another enjoyable read and it dovetails nicely with the Elzeard Bouffier story.

Now, this is most definitely a true story. This excerpt is the first three chapters (~40 pages) of a 300-page book written about Harvard physician, Dr. Paul Farmer. Think about the life this man is choosing to live as compared to the reasons you hear that most people become doctors. Also think about how this story shows how, in the real world, science and medicine can be strongly influenced by politics.

If you want to meet Paul Farmer, you can watch a talk he gave recently (May 8, 2007) at NYU by clicking on this link. You can also visit the Partners for Health Web site

Respond to the following on the blog.
a. Tell me what you thought about the excerpt from this book. Tell me what you think of Dr. Paul Farmer.

b. Margaret Mead (a very famous anthropologist) once said:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Explain how Paul Farmer embodies this idea.

Post your answers as comments on this page by Friday August 15.


Ashley! said...

A. This selection was not only thriving with passion and inspiration, but with information as well. If I wasn't told, then I definitely would not have believed it was real. It's so difficult to find genuine people within our present day and age, and Dr. Paul Farmer epitomizes just that. To take on such a difficult task, and to be constantly surrounded by illnesses and potential deaths is a very intimidating life choice to make. The part about the 13-year old girl with meningitis really moved me because it shows the severity of poverty, not only in Haiti, but around the world. Treating malnutrition is only one part of the job, but it happens to be one of the most significant accomplishments this man had made. I truly believe that this man is much more than a saint; as much as he denies it. That would be putting it lightly. His dedication and profound efforts don't go un-noted, and I think he should expand his health program.

B. Although some ideas and actions are accompanied by the slogan "the more the better," Dr. Paul Farmer's Association proves the statement wrong. Altruism seems to be the key to his success. Not only did he teach those around them, but he inspired them to care as much as he does about the welfare of others. One example was when he walked a total of five hours to make sure a "Morne Michel" was complying with his orders to take medicine for tuberculosis. He encouraged his employees to care for others as much as he does, and by doing so, created a small, yet powerful association in Haiti. Getting a total of four hours of sleep a night, Dr. Farmer persistantly keeps up with every single one of his patients, demonstrating the full effect of a minute group. He knows that he cannot cure everyone, but that's why he keeps trying. He's never satisfied with himself because he knows he can do so much more for the ones who need it. Without Paul Farmer, Haiti would be facing immense amounts of poverty, as well as shockingly high death rates. One man can do anything; even change the world. By showing others what he was willing to do, he inspired just enough people to do the same. Success does not necessarily lie in great numbers, but in great minds instead.

Lauren said...

A. After reading the short excerpt, I had tremendous respect for Dr. Paul Farmer and the work that he does. While reading I sometimes wondered if it was fiction due to the amount of time and effort that Dr. Farmer put into his career. Its what everyone wants in a career which is to be passionate and excited to go to work everyday. Dr. Paul Farmer stated "I can't sleep. There's always somebody not getting treatment. I can't stand that". It brings great joy to know that there are many people who are willing to work in these poor conditions with diseased water, lack of nutrients and to be constantly surrounded by sickness and death. I also feel that people like Dr. Paul Farmer enter that career because it is in their nature to help others in need, however, there are people who enter this field since its glamorized in movies and television. I deeply admire Dr. Farmer and all the work that he has accomplished.

B. Dr. Paul Farmer embodies the quote that "...a small group of committed citizens can change the world,indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Dr. Paul Farmer was able to build a community that was dedicated to helping those who could not be helped due to poverty. His mentality spread to nurses and other doctors that became committed to the same cause that Dr. Farmer worked so hard to accomplish. In the excerpt the author described that just going through the courtyard it took him hours to get to other side, due to the amount of people that wanted to be around him, and gain insight. One patient even after being treated by another doctor wanted to be seen by Dr. Farmer. Paul Farmer continues to spread his good will, and therefore the others around him feel the same. Hopefully that this passion and committment to others spreads to other parts of the world.

Shannon said...

A. After reading the excerpt i had alot of respect for Dr. Paul Farmer. He was so passionate about his career. It is relieving to know that some people can be so into their the well-being of others. Even though he had little bit of sleep each night he was still able to meet the needs of all of his patients and do his best to help them. Without him Haiti would be living in poverty and there would be alot less survivors.

B. Dr. Paul Farmer relates to this quote because his one goal was to help others from sickness and poverty. The little things that Dr. Paul Farmer did helped to change not only the condititon in Haiti but also had an impact on the rest of the world. His devotion to his work influenced other nurses and doctors to be as passionate as he was to his pacients. His actions had a great impact on the world.

Gerard said...

A. I thought that this excerpt was a very fascinating and inspirational story. Dr. Paul Farmer proves to be an exceptional doctor not only by his abilities to treat his patients, but also by the way he goes above and beyond the typical duties of a doctor. He takes a 5 hour trip just to make sure a patient took his medicine which is far more than any other doctor would do. I have a amount tremendous respect for Dr. Paul Farmer because he is so dedicated to his cause. He is just one guy that works hard and is already making such a huge difference. I think that if every doctor did what Dr. Farmer does, then everybody would be a lot happier and healthier.

B. It seems that this statement is without a doubt about Dr. Paul Famrer because it basically summarizes what he has done. He was a major part of the program Partners In Health and helped to treat the poor in Haiti. He got groups of people to go to the patients to make sure they were taking their medicine so that they could get better. He also gave people some money so that they could get food for their families. This gourp of people has already changed parts of Hati for the better. If more people could work together, then areas all over the world can change for the better as well.

Gabby said...

a.)I thought the excerpt from the book was a touching tale, but wasn't full of heartache and emotion. The story stayed true and didn't waver into exaggeration and inaccuracy. Dr. Paul Farmer is a good example of how money can't buy happiness. He works in Haiti not for the glamour and money, but merely because its the right thing to do. He helps people because he knows that his talents and knowledge are needed by not only the upper and middle class, but especially the lower class which is the majority of Haiti's population.
b.)Dr. Paul Farmer embodies that idea because his efforts may not cure the entire world, but it's a start. He works in Haiti, without pay, because he feels guilty knowing that someone isn't getting treatment. It's a start in making this world full of more equal opportunities and advantages across the social hierarchy.

monica said...

A. After reading this excerpt, I realized choices that people make can affect not only their own life but the lives of others around them. Being that this story is true, Dr. Farmer, the real life saint shows how much is possible in the world today. He is one of the most selfless people that I've ever heard of. Everyday he chooses others over himself as he is constantly finding ways to help others rather than living a luxurious life in America as a wealthy doctor. I think that the part that shows this the best is when he doesn't even pay attention to his paycheck. His own money is a trivial thing to him, he would rather that money go towards his career in Haiti helping the poor and sick all around him. I also saw that he believed money isn't enough which is why he works in Haiti more than in Boston and gives patients what they need like bibles or even toenail clippers instead of money. I truly value Dr. Farmer's altrusistic actions after reading this and hope that he can continue to inspire more around him.

B. It seems this quote embodies Dr. Farmer's whole outlook on life. He believes it is possible to change the world. His community Zamni Lasante in Haiti proves this quote true because if his group of commited team didn't exist, no change would ever occur to make the people of Haiti healthier and help with their living standards. When I read that since Dr. Farmer's TB services and programs were in effect, they hadn't lost a patient in that service in 12 years it truly showed how much of a change was made by a group of people.

Elena said...

a. I enjoyed Tracy Kidder’s recount of Dr. Paul Farmer immensely. Dr. Farmer was unlike any doctor I have ever heard of before. He is definitely one of the most selfless people too and I have a lot of respect for him. I think a lot of people go into medicine because it’s such a lucrative career and not because it would help people. Dr. Farmer put forth all his time and money towards the Haitians who were less fortunate than any other patients. He gave up a possible luxurious lifestyle and traded it for the harsh conditions in Haiti, and I think that is an outstanding accomplishment and sacrifice.

b. Paul Farmer embodies Margaret Mead’s idea because he was among a small group of people who really wanted to help those less fortunate than himself and was able to help so many people even despite his low number of followers. Not many people would be willing to do down to Haiti to protect them against tuberculosis as well as HIV. But Dr. Farmer put forth all his efforts with Zanmi Lasante and worked with patients that otherwise would have had no chance of survival. The charity Partners in Health, which helped fund Zanmi Lasante and was founded by Dr. Farmer, now has expanded its efforts to more areas in Haiti as well as other countries that need medical help.

Erin said...

A. Mountains Beyond Mountains shows the reader how selfless people are. Dr. Farmer put his life on the line to treat and protect people with infectious diseases without worrying about his life. He puts the life of a patient before his own. The passage made me realize how truly lucky I am to be an American. We are lucky to live in a country where we have every type of medication available to us. I want to be like Dr. Farmer one day. I want to be able to put my life on the line to help those less fortunate than me and do whatever I can to help them. Dr. Farmer is an influence on me and is a saint despite what he says.

B. Mead's statement perfectly describes Dr. Farmer and his organization. PIH is a small group of people who dedicated their lives to helping people less fortunate than them. They are able to change the world although there isn't a lot of people. They save millions of lives in several countries around the world who are less fortunate than the United States. As Mead said, it is small organizations like this that make a difference in the world. They are also a huge influence on others and they show how selfless acts can go very far.

dan said...

a. I thought that Mountains Beyond Mountains was a very motivating story about a real life hero. Dr. Farmer should serve as a model not only for young docters but also for an everyday person. Dr. Farmer devoted his time and money to help the less fortunate. By going to Haiti to provide medical help he gave up his potential life as a big-shot doctor.

b. Margaret Mead's quote is very true about Dr. Farmer. Dr. Farmer was dedicated to helping every paitient that came to his hospital. By giving the needy patients healthcare for free, Dr. Farmer changed the face of medicine by helping people for reasons other than money. Dr. Farmer did whatever he could for his paitients. Every morning, Dr. Farmer stayed in the courtyard and helped out the patients who had severe cases for an hour before work. Dr. Farmer worked his whole life to impact the lifestyle of a small group of haitien people.

Siobhan said...

A) I personaly found this excerpt of Mountains beyond mountians to be inspirational absolutly, but also saddening. Dr. Paul Farmer has sacrificed more in his young life to help others, strangers none the less, then most communities do over centuries. Farmer seems more like a fictional super hero than a doctor. His compassion and life's work is unfathomable, as he had no motivation other than the sick and hopeless people of Haiti. If one's definiton of martyr is one who suffers for the sake of principal, no one can say Farmer was less than a martyr. Not only did he chose to live in the poorest on places and serve its people without asking for any kind of compensation, but he was personaly tormented himself for not being able to do more. Dr. Paul Farmer is an exceptional modern day hero and so much more.

B) "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Before reading Mountians Beyond Mountians, I might not have believed this statement, and I definatly did not in probable for one man to be able to change the world the way Paul Famer has. Dr. Farmer not only embodies this quote but could also be the poster child for it. He built a town in the middle of Haiti, gave up his own life as a prominate doctor in Bosten, all to treat and make the lives Hatian strangers the slightest bit better. Farmer could not perfect the world, but took it upon himself to change and help what he could. To accomplish a tenth of what Farmer has, would make for an outstanding person. Farmer continues to try and better his facilities and staffs because he is not satisfyed with the already tredemdous process made. If anyone has a chance at changing the world, they better look up to and study the man responsible for the small little village of Cange, the man who has been able to change the world for so many others.

Umar said...

A. I thought that this excerpt was very inspirational and moving. This story helped prove that there are still people in the world that can make a tremendous difference in the lives of the sick and the poor. Dr. Paul Farmer sets a perfect example of how people can save the lives of thousands of sick people by dedicating their time and money to them. I was greatly moved by when one of Dr. Paul Farmer's patients named Ti Ofa said "When I was sick and no one would touch me, you used to sit on my bed with your hand on my head." This displays the immense kindness of Dr. Paul Farmer and the tremendous amount of respect he received from his patients. He could have been enjoying his life as a wealthy doctor but he chose to make Haiti a better place which he accomplished in many ways.

B. Dr. Paul Farmer embodies this idea in a great way. Before he started his health organization called "Partners In Health," many Haitians were dying everyday due to diseases, poverty, and lack of food. This organization supplied patients with food and medicine. Dr. Paul Farmer worked everyday, sometimes walking 5 hours up hills to meet his patients just to check up on them. This shows the amount of dedication he put into curing people. Dr. Paul Farmer's hard work impacted Haitians immensely and brought a lasting positive change to Haiti in many ways.

Ivanah said...

A.) After reading an excerpt from the novel, Mountains Beyond Mountains, I felt that Dr. Paul Farmer was a very strong individual who impacted the lives of many. Paul Farmer, a Harvard Medical School graduate, spent most of his time helping and aiding those in need. Farmer works in Haiti without pay for several months each year and doctored the people who has lost their land to the hydroelectric dam. From doing so, Farmer not only gained my respect but the respect of others around the world. I found that excerpt was not only motivating, but impacting as well.

B.) Paul Farmer embodies the idea of Margaret Mead because with his efforts and motivation he helped many of those in need. His main focus was to help those who are less fortunate and to doctor and aid those in need. It shows that a small group of people can change the world.

Joe said...

A. After reading the excerpt from Mountains Beyond Mountains, i found it to be inspiraring and touching at the same time. Dr. Farmer plays as a perfect example of how people should be. He has truly inspried me to help those in need and to not focuse on yourself so much . He is a self-less genoris man who can teach others how important it is to help others. And shows many people how lucky they have it. Its also nice to know that his money dosn't go to waste but to help those in need. I look up to Dr.Farmer very highly and hope others follow in his footsteps.

B. Dr.Paul Farmer turly embodies the qoute "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has", because he has changed the world for many people. In Haiti he has improved many people's life by building a community to shelter the poor and to nurse the sick back to health. From his hard work and dedication he has not only effected the lifes in Haiti but has changed the life's of others by inspiring them to take action and help those in need.

Kristen said...

A.) After reading the excerpt from Mountains Beyond Mountains my attitude towards Dr. Paul Farmer changed immensely. To me, Dr. Paul Farmer should be seen as a role model and a hero, not only to the Haitians he helped but to us as well. Dr. Paul Farmer is an inspiring individual that set forth the statement, "big things come in small packages." His accomplishments have come to show us that any one individual can make miracles happen. For example, the younger man with whom Dr. Paul Farmer refers to as Lazarus. When brought to Farmer's attention, Lazarus weighed to about 90 pounds and was wasted by AIDS and TB. After a few months, Lazarus was cured of TB, weighed at about 150 pounds, and had his AIDS arrested thanks to the medications provided to him by Dr. Paul Farmer. Farmer is such a selfless individual for giving up everything and anything to make sure he acomplished each task he had set out to achieve. Farmer also lost sleep over the fact that not everyone was getting treatment. This proves his dedication and compassion towards the Haitians and everyone he set out to save. Dr. Paul Farmer is definitely a hero in my eyes and will always have a stong impact on my outlook on life.

B.) Dr. Paul Farmer is an individual that most definitely embodies Margaret Mead's quote, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Farmer went out of his way to make sure each of his patients were recieving the proper amount of medical attention they needed to survive. He gave up everything and did anything in his power to treat his patients and give them the respect they deserve. He made it known that all of his patients were important and he cared for all of them equally. Farmer is polite and well-mannered and greatly influenced all doctors and nurses to become passionate and respectful towards all they're patients and peers. Dr. Paul Farmer has proven that success isn't achieved through large numbers or groups, but through dedicated minds and hearts.