Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mountains Beyond Moutains

A. Overall this excerpt from "Mountains Beyond Mountains" is a moving and humbling piece of literature. It shows that some people have enough "good" inside them to do things for no pay but, get satisfaction out of helping others. The story was longer then the first but, still managed to captivate my full attention. I think the story is great because it is not told by Dr. Farmer himself which shows his humbleness. Dr. Farmer describes himself as "a poor people's doctor", and his description then lets us characterize him as caring, humble, respectable, and servile. Graduating form Harvard Medical School could have got him a well paying job anywhere he wanted yet, he serves people who are poor and truly need his attention from no salary.

B. Paul Farmer embodies this idea because he was/is changing the lives of poor Haitian and American people not for pay but, for the better of the people. By being so committed and almost attached to these people he is changing not only their lives but, serving as an example for others to follow. I don't think we would be reading about this man unless he truly did something magnificent or embodied characteristics that every human should have, and he fills out both.

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