A rabbit ( in motion) is an example of an endotherm because it generates heat to maintain its body temperature.

A xerophyte is a plant that can live in dry, desert weather such as a cactus

Tendril of a plant

Bumble bees are examples of pollinators

Flower ovary

Keratin is the tough protein found in nails and hair

A cricket is an example of an insect

Snails and slugs are examples of gastropods. ( I won't be using that hair tie again)

Epithelial tissue

Adaption of a plant- the plant grows around the swingset
I love the story behind the slug picture!
This whole set cracked me up! Thanks a lot for great pictures and good humor.
I loved the nail/keratin one... and slug slime is just another form of protein, so it's not so disgusting. But I think your xerophyte is going to fall over.
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