Saturday, August 30, 2008

2nd 10 collected items

autotropth- an organism that can synthesize its own food or glucose from raw materials and energy

Insect- group of arthropods from class insecta, it is the most diverse class with millions of species

Lichen- an association of fungus and a photobiont like algae, that is most common on trees and rocks

Parasite- these mosquitoes can have malarial parasites on them that can casue malaria when thet bite a human

Thorn of a plant- sharp outgrowth of a modified stem for protection
Bryophyte- a nonvascular plant that is also seedless. An example is moss

Heartwood-middle of a tree trunk that is non living and darker in color, it no longer has functions like producing sap Nymph stage- in the life cycle after the egg, the nymph will gradually grow until it is an adult insect Xylem- in this stem and in the vascular system it transports water throughout the plant

Connective tissue- in the knee there are tendons and ligaments that support motion

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